Complete retirement policies for full time employees, protect their lives after retirement.
In order to ensure the life of employees after retirement, the company has a retirement policy for full-time employees, which is formulated to be superior to the provisions of the Labor Standards Act. As for the provision of retirement reserves, we do make provision in accordance with local laws and regulations at the location of the factory to fully protect the rights and interests of employees.
For employees who apply the pension system of "Labor Standards Act" (old rule), the company will allocate retirement reserves according to the required amount based on monthly total salary, supervised by the "Labor Retirement Reserve Supervision Committee" formed by both employers and employees, deposit the amount, in the name of the committee, in the bank trust department who is responsible for handling income and expenditure, custody and utilization.
For employees who apply the pension system of "Labor Pension Act" (new rule), the company will allocate no less than 6% of employees’ monthly salary, according to the monthly withholding salary grading table approved by the Executive Yuan, deposit the amount into employees’ personal pension account under the Bureau of Labor Insurance.
<< For details, please refer to: The latest version of the ESG Sustainability Report>>