On July 6, 2024, Pan International Group Taipei participated in the ESG fish release and beach cleaning public welfare event on Keelung Island in cooperation with the aipei University of Technology and the Keelung Municipal Government. The event invited about 70 business owners and professional managers to participate. Two tourist fishing boats released nearly 9,000 rock snapper fry, and 730 meters of beach cleaning was carried out along the coast. 1,186 PET bottles and 78.83 kilograms of marine debris, contributing to society and the environment, while promoting education on marine environmental protection.
Robin Tsai, general manager of Pan International Group, said that engaging in public welfare activities has always been an important concept of Pan International Group operating company, so we start from ourselves, picking up waste that does not belong to the ocean, and releasing the fry that should be in the ocean. Unity has great power. , and also called on corporate employees to participate in more volunteer services to draw more people's attention to the crisis the ocean is currently facing.
News source::https://money.udn.com/money/story/6722/8079981